Visiting kids of “Hillcrest elementary school”

2015-03-20 12.36.16

We went to visit the kids of second grade at Hillcrest elementary school, we loved to share our experiences with those adorable kids, they were so curious about how the life of an athlete is, what are we scared about, what we like, what we eat, how much training we have…. They ask a lot of questions, and time was not enough, but we had a lot of fun….
We can’t wait to meet them again, and maybe go for a few runs together!
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Thanks to the teacher, Ms. Lichfield and principal Mr. Eric Markworth to let us share this experience with them…

Adiós a nuestra querida Berta! 

El día de ayer la tristeza ha invadido nuestros corazones. Nuestra Madre, Abuela, Bisabuela y Tatarabuela, Berta nos ha dejado!!

Lamentamos mucho no haber podido estar a tu lado físicamente para demostrarte nuestro amor, de todas maneras con nuestros corazones, pensamientos y palabras lo hemos estado!!!

Esperamos que donde sea que te encuentres, estés bien y feliz!!

Te recordaremos siempre con mucho cariño y amor!!
